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M&Ms Bags 7g (Normal Size Only)
NORMAL size M&Ms in 7g bag
57mmW x 37mmH, 7g
Maximum logo area 18mmW x 13.5mmH (TBA depends on logo)
One colour Print ONLY on bag for less than 20,000 units
One Colour Print: PMS Colours CANNOT be matched. THERMAL Print, slightly transparent
One Colour Print Options: Black, White, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown & Pink
Approx PMS colours of Print: Black, White, Dark Blue PMS2387, Light Blue PMS312, Green GREENC, Red PMS1788, Orange PMS1585, Yellow PMS101, Brown PMS478 & Pink RHODAMINE RED
Full CMYK Print on bag available for over 20,000 units
Min Quantity: 2000 units
Packing Information - This information is an estimate and can vary
Units in Box: 2000 units
Box Size: 580x390x260mm (for freight purposes a CUBIC weight of 15kg per carton will be applied. If using your own freight company please check details)
Box Weight (approx.): 14kg